Church Chronicles: Blood sucking Demons Review

This story is not about mosquitoes and their blood-sucking colleagues. It’s neither about demons. It is about humans and their emotions. It is metaphoric, like some of the parables Jesus told.

Humans will always act as humans, whether in the church, mosque or some other secular places. In a world which is our temporary home, we have to keep getting transformed because of our human nature.

Church calls out to you, but you’ve been out of it for a while. So you don’t want to ‘show face’ there. In the past week, you thought of things that won’t happen. Your body might be in Ibadan, but your mind had wandered ten thousand miles in circles. And your parents wondered, voicing out their worries. “Why is your body hot? Oh, is it a fever? Why is your fever this severe? Don’t tell me you want high blood pressure at this age.”

Blood sucking demons, church chronicles

Blood-sucking demons focused on a guy at the receiving end of hurt from a human he attended the same church with. Even in church, we are still humans. And church hurt is not going to be something if human emotions weren’t involved. 

People say that happiness is free. You are indeed responsible for how you react to external stimuli ( whether it can or cannot be prevented) However, the actions of people who have a field day trampling over others especially when they are of the household of faith should be curtailed.

If we continue to ignore issues like “church hurt” or just blatantly say there’s no such thing just because we haven’t walked a mile in their slippers, we’ll keep having to deal with people who fall out of faith because of the way those whom they regarded as family treated them.

As we try to win more souls for the kingdom, we should not negligently allow those that are already in to backslide. While most people will endure suffering that stems from Church by focusing on the author and finisher of our faith, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work out their character in them (Rom 5: 3-4), some won’t. And when they fall out, you shouldn’t expect them to keep calm or just be neutral about Christianity. Many of such are people who publicly oppose Christianity. Whatever you tell them so they can come back to the fold, will fly over their heads. It is not about their lack of knowledge about godly virtues, but because their emotions have been tampered with.

Jesus declared, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’…

matt 22: 37-39

The first and greatest commandment involves emotions and thus, applies to all believers since we are all humans.

From Aunty Feminist Goes to Church review, something was written concerning emotions. Emotions have to be important for them to be something you can love God with and sacrifice when needed. 

Concerning Church hurt, the one on the giving end keeps doing one or some of those things that can make his brother fall. Unfortunately, he is also going against the great commandment, which is loving God. And how can one love God without loving his brother as himself?

To the one on the receiving end, loving your neighbour like yourself means you love yourself enough to forgive your neighbour. Forgiveness is more to your benefit than the person you forgave. It will bring health to your bones and allow for joy in your heart. And of course, you were sent as sheep among wolves for a reason.

If you were to ask believers if they wanted to be like Abel, they would be mute. But neither would they want to be like Cain.

You have to be innocent as a dove and as shrewd as a serpent because you cannot be another Abel. Whether we like it or not, we’ll continue to be among wolves, in the world and the church. Hence, there has to be a balance of innocence and wisdom. Don’t suffer unnecessarily, except God has a purpose for your suffering. 

Because, no matter how different we are as human beings, we are still one body; the Bride of Christ, making herself ready for the marriage of the lamb.

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